The power of ONE — how to start a movement for lasting Change

Marian Temmen
5 min readApr 18, 2024

In a world where monumental shifts often seem to require collective effort, it’s easy to overlook the profound impact that one individual can have in initiating transformative change within organizations. History is replete with examples of leaders who, armed with a clear vision and unyielding determination, have sparked movements that reshaped entire industries. From challenging entrenched norms to championing innovative solutions, these trailblazers have shown that it only takes one to ignite change and propel organizational transformation.

Craft a Vision and Bold Advocacy: Sculpt a vision that sets the organization ablaze with possibility and roar it into existence with unyielding conviction. Embrace the mantle of bold advocacy, challenging the status quo with a ferocity that shakes the very foundations of convention. The journey toward organizational change begins with crafting a vision that ignites the imagination and inspires action. It requires bold advocacy, a willingness to challenge existing practices, and the courage to champion new ideas.

Throughout organizational history, visionaries like Steve Jobs and Jack Welch have demonstrated the power of a compelling vision combined with bold advocacy. Their unwavering belief in a better future and their relentless pursuit of excellence galvanized their teams, turning their visions into reality and driving profound organizational transformation.

Rally Your Tribe: Unite the like-minded individuals within the organization who share your fervor for change, forging a tribe bound by a common purpose and a relentless drive for progress. Together, you are a force to be reckoned with, a symphony of voices that echoes with the power of unity. No organizational transformation can succeed without the collective strength of a unified tribe, bound together by a shared sense of purpose and a relentless commitment to progress.

Organizational leaders such as Anne Mulcahy of Xerox and Satya Nadella of Microsoft have understood the importance of rallying a tribe in driving organizational change. Their ability to unite diverse teams behind a common vision has been instrumental in driving successful transformations within their respective companies.

Hyper Communicate with Clarity: Harness the thunderous power of communication to cut through the noise and resonate with unwavering clarity. From the boardroom to the break room, let your message reverberate like a clarion call, leaving no doubt in the minds of all who hear it. Effective communication is the lifeblood of any organizational transformation. It requires hyper-communicating with clarity, ensuring that the message resonates with unwavering clarity and penetrates through the organizational hierarchy.

Icons of corporate communication like Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo and Alan Mulally of Ford Motor Company exemplify the art of clear and effective communication. Their ability to articulate a compelling vision and communicate it with clarity has been key to driving organizational change and fostering alignment across diverse teams.

Prepare for the Storm: Stand firm in the face of organizational resistance and adversity, prepared to weather the fiercest of storms with unwavering resolve and steely determination. Like a ship navigating through turbulent waters, anticipate challenges and adapt with resilience as your compass and agility as your anchor. The path to organizational change is fraught with obstacles and uncertainties. Leaders must prepare for the storm, steeling themselves with resilience and fortitude to navigate through adversity and emerge stronger on the other side.

Visionary leaders such as Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Mary Barra of General Motors have faced significant challenges in driving organizational change. However, their unwavering resolve and resilience in the face of adversity have enabled them to lead their organizations through transformational journeys and emerge as industry leaders.

Champion Every Victory, Big or Small: Celebrate each milestone achieved in the organizational transformation journey, no matter how small, with enthusiasm and vigor. Whether it be a major breakthrough or a minor success, champion it with the same fervor and passion, for every step forward is a testament to the organization’s collective effort and progress. Celebrating victories, big or small, is essential for sustaining momentum and fostering a culture of success and achievement.

Successful organizational transformations led by leaders like Reed Hastings of Netflix and Tim Cook of Apple have been characterized by a culture of celebrating victories and acknowledging the contributions of every individual towards organizational success. By championing every achievement, these leaders have inspired confidence and reinforced the belief that change is not only possible but inevitable.

Make Positive Noise, Make it Resonate: Amplify the message of organizational change with a symphony of positivity that resonates throughout the organization, inspiring and mobilizing employees at all levels. Let your voice ring out like a beacon of hope and progress, driving engagement and commitment towards the organizational transformation agenda. To ignite change within the organization, leaders must make positive noise that resonates far and wide, capturing the attention and imagination of all stakeholders.

Corporate leaders such as Richard Branson of Virgin Group and Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook have leveraged their platforms to amplify the message of organizational change and drive cultural transformation within their companies. By fostering a positive and inclusive work environment, these leaders have empowered employees to embrace change and contribute towards organizational success.

Build a Tsunami of Momentum: Harness the collective energy and enthusiasm of employees to unleash a tidal wave of momentum that propels the organizational transformation agenda forward with unstoppable force. Encourage collaboration and cross-functional partnerships to drive alignment and synergy towards common goals. With each new milestone achieved and every individual inspired to embrace change, the momentum for organizational transformation grows stronger, driving sustainable results and long-term success.

Organizational transformations led by visionary leaders such as Satya Nadella at Microsoft and Ginni Rometty at IBM have been characterized by a tsunami of momentum that swept across the organization, driving cultural change and fueling innovation. By mobilizing employees and aligning organizational efforts towards a shared vision, these leaders have accelerated the pace of change and positioned their companies for future growth and success.

Never Rest or Settle: Refuse to be complacent or satisfied with the status quo, continuously pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence in pursuit of organizational greatness. Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and agility, remaining adaptable and responsive to changing market dynamics and customer needs. In the fast-paced world of business, there is no room for complacency or stagnation. Leaders must remain vigilant and proactive, driving a culture of innovation and excellence that fuels organizational growth and resilience.

Visionary leaders such as Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Elon Musk of Tesla have epitomized the ethos of never resting or settling, continuously pushing the boundaries of innovation and disrupting industries with groundbreaking solutions. By fostering a culture of relentless innovation and experimentation, these leaders have propelled their organizations to unprecedented heights of success and redefined the future of business.

In conclusion, the power to ignite change and drive organizational transformation lies within each of us. By embracing a bold vision, rallying our teams, communicating with clarity, preparing for adversity, celebrating victories, making positive noise, building momentum, and never resting or settling, we can become catalysts for organizational greatness and agents of progress in the ever-evolving landscape of business. It only takes one visionary leader to ignite change and inspire a movement towards organizational transformation. With determination and perseverance, anything is possible.



Marian Temmen

Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Leader | Business/Supply Chain Transformation | Change Advocate