Embracing Optimism: Leading with Vision and Resilience

Marian Temmen
3 min readAug 26, 2020


In times of uncertainty and challenges, the notion of “staying positive” may seem like a cliché or an empty mantra. But as leaders, our attitude and outlook have a profound impact on our teams and organizations. It is during these times that optimism in leadership becomes crucial for driving change and inspiring resilience.

The year 2020 has tested us in ways we never imagined. The fires, the deadly virus outbreak, and the global pandemic have shaken our foundations. As leaders, we face the daunting task of keeping our teams motivated and moving forward. While some may worry about positivity fatigue or being out of touch with reality, we must understand the power of optimism in shaping our collective mindset.

Consider the case of Jordan Voigt, the president of Genesis Health System, who faced the challenge of restructuring a series of hospitals during a time when the healthcare industry was struggling. Instead of succumbing to negativity, Voigt chose a different path. He prioritized positivity and partnered with experts in positive psychology to implement interventions that would foster a culture of optimism within the organization.

The results were astounding. Departments that experienced the interventions reported increased optimism, happiness, and a significant decrease in stress levels. Confidence in the future of Genesis skyrocketed among those who went through the intervention. Imagine the impact of such a transformation in the face of a crisis.

To cultivate optimism and drive change in your organization, here are four approaches to consider:

  1. Be the catalyst: As a leader, you set the tone for your team. Model the change you want to see by embodying positivity, resilience, and a growth mindset. Recognize that you are not perfect, and be open to continuous improvement and learning. Your willingness to adapt and take risks sends a powerful message to your team.
  2. Foster Collective Happiness: Build a sense of community within your organization. Encourage collaboration, diversity of thinking, and ownership of positive changes. Involve your team in brainstorming new routines, discussing working culture, and reinforcing positive habits. By empowering your team to contribute to the change process, you promote creativity, innovation, and solution-focused optimism.
  3. Cultivate Habitual Happiness: Establish routines that gradually reinforce positive habits. Weekly celebrations and awards can be simple yet effective ways to inject positivity into the work environment. Create opportunities for team members to share their successes and express gratitude. These routines help reduce cognitive overload during times of change while sustaining a positive atmosphere.
  4. Share and Celebrate Results: Regularly communicate and celebrate the positive outcomes of your team’s efforts. Show them tangible evidence of their progress and the impact they have made. Recognize and reward their achievements, creating a self-perpetuating cycle of positivity and motivation. This reinforces the character of your organization as one that embraces optimism and drives success.

It is important to strike a balance between optimism and realism. Acknowledge the challenges and risks ahead while inspiring your team to envision a brighter future. Lead by example, demonstrating coping strategies, solution-focused thinking, and a willingness to adapt. Your team will be better prepared to navigate change when they see you embodying the vision for the future.

In conclusion, optimism in leadership is not just about spreading positivity for the sake of it. It is about instilling a collective sense of hope, resilience, and vision. By embracing optimism and driving change with a purpose, you can create a culture that thrives even in the face of adversity. Your role as an executive thought leader and change agent is to inspire, motivate, and guide your organization toward a future of possibilities.



Marian Temmen
Marian Temmen

Written by Marian Temmen

Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Leader | Business/Supply Chain Transformation | Change Advocate

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